Scotland Policy Conferences

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Meeting Scotland’s skills needs - next steps for policy

June 2019

Price: £95 PLUS VAT

Delegates discussed the introduction of a new funding model for work-based learning and the up-skilling and re-training agenda including the introduction of a National Retraining Partnership as well as new approaches to meeting Scotland’s future skills needs.

Attendees also considered next steps for meeting regional and rural skills needs. This included promoting increased levels of coordination between local authorities and national skills agencies, and the development and delivery of Regional Skills Partnerships.

Delegates also looked at options for ensuring that skills development in Scotland is fit to meet regional, demographic and technological needs, and how best to deliver the Enterprise and Strategic Skills Board’s Strategic Plan - including expanding work-based learning, supporting individuals to up-skill and re-skill and shaping the system to be more demand-led. Further sessions examine the future for aligning education and skills systems and creating effective pathways to key skills sectors with shortages such as STEM.

Discussion focused on the implementation of The Scottish Government’s Economic Action Plan, and expanded up-skilling and re-skilling through programmes such as the National Retraining Partnership, and tackling the challenges to re-training, particularly bringing together key partners.

This pack includes

  • Dropbox video recording of the conference
  • PDF transcript of the discussion, including all speaker remarks and Q&A
  • PDFs of speakers' slide material (subject to permission)
  • PDFs of the delegate pack, including speaker biographies and attendee list
  • PDFs of delegate articles